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  • Susan Wallmeyer

    August 2, 2021 at 6:33 am

    Great discussion! I was just able to watch the meeting recording yesterday, and out of curiosity looked at Evidence Based Birth for resources on GDM.

    Evidence on Diagnosing:


    Evidence on Induction for GD:


    Of course this information will vary based on different countries and populations but a good starting point. It certainly doesn’t sound like inducing at 37 weeks is ever recommended unless there’s a big problem detected! I personally haven’t heard of this being common practice nor performing the GD test during the 1st trimester but know every OB practice is a little different.

    I haven’t had many patients with GD over the years but the two I specifically recall were actually a slim body type and already ate very healthfully and exercised regularly. So I think in these types of cases where there aren’t actually any lifestyle modifications that can be made, acupuncture could potentially be especially helpful! Both of these patients ended up doing absolutely fine and even went past 40 weeks.