• benjamin@anewpossibility.com

    December 24, 2021 at 10:19 am

    Babbie – thank you for your introduction! As I read, I felt myself traveling on the journey that has been your life and it felt like a good ride! I am especially grateful for this paragraph, “The Hopi, Achuar, Kogi, Aztec, Mayan all spoke of this time as the new beginning of a 50,000 year cycle, a move into the Fifth Dimension, the one where the world turns upside down (Pachacuti) and the Spirit Bird finally unfurls her left wing and can fly, instead of in a continuous downward spiral of conquest, greed and control, into a straight line of the feminine principles of Unity, Connectedness, Compassion, Kindness, Christ Consciousness.” Just beautiful … and a BIG YES!