• benjamin@anewpossibility.com

    January 6, 2022 at 3:37 pm

    Thanks, Kelli. I appreciate your sharing more. I had an experience today at the grocery store of actually making eye contact with other people shopping there, no words spoken, but a palpable sense of being together in our shared humanity. A sense of community. So I am with you in your own experience.

    Your input regarding your presence in virtual environments is invaluable. Thanks! As we embark on this year, Lorie and I feel very committed to creating an experience that will allow us all to feel a sense of connection despite our not being in actual embodied physical proximity to one another. Please know we welcome your input and feedback on how we might do that more effectively. I know that some people feel more … or less … comfortable in virtual environments, but hopefully everyone will find their own way of staying connected to the work we are doing.