• Babbie Stern

    January 28, 2022 at 7:46 pm

    Thank you for your clarification, Benjamin- you’re right on.

    Judy, I hope this is not offensive (I definitely remember being taken aback as Heiner was speaking about this). It is the jerk/asshole aspect of our psyche that is willing to set the strong boundaries and cut away anything that is not useful or does not belong. And with that kind of energy: the unabashed, unapologetic “NO!”. As Benjamin said, it is framed not only as a positive aspect, but also very necessary. Without the large intestine (literal or energetic), we absorb toxins and hold on to things that we are not meant to. The large intestine filters out what is useful for us and pushes out what is not. Please, please know that I am making general references here and just passing along information about the organ official that resides on the pointer finger channel. I hope this helps clarify.

    My uneducated understanding on losing a body part is that the energetic quality still very much persists. Maybe Benjamin or Lorie have a better explanation than I.

    Sending good thoughts your way,

    ✨ Babbie