• benjamin@anewpossibility.com

    February 10, 2022 at 12:15 pm

    Kate – thanks for circling back here. It is interesting how you have found such distinctly different ways in your life of staying separate and on your own, though as I read of both experiences in your life it does make sense to me. I’m endlessly fascinated by the creative ways we employ to survive the fragility, trauma, and dysfunction of our early family structures. I am convinced that much of the prima materia we work with in alchemical healing is connected to identifying, relating to, and transforming these learned strategies for survival. I am curious if the prima materia you are identifying now is connected to what you describe as “the unsustainability of your lone wolf tendencies.”

    I’m so grateful to you for sharing with me that our network is helping you adjust your nervous system to being in deeper community with others. Sometimes it’s difficult for me to assess if and how the network is serving people. I just keep doing it because my own soul tells me to, so thank you for giving me such concrete feedback on how it has supported you. I also love hearing how you are inspired by our community zoom time. I hope some of those ideas and ahas are finding feet on the ground in your life.

    Where will you be moving to this spring? Exciting … and I can imagine that leaving your cottage in the woods will occur with some sadness. Walnut flower essence is really supportive with such times of transition.