• benjamin@anewpossibility.com

    February 26, 2022 at 10:26 am

    Dearest Lauren – where do I begin? Thank you … for your trust, your courage, your commitment to your own soul, and to your process of becoming. I’m sorry not to have responded sooner, but I’m grateful for the space now to fully take in all you have shared, the immensity of it, the gravity of it, and to be able to respond.

    I want to assure you that with your initial post you did “get it right,” and even “shared enough,” but the backstory is so helpful in getting a much fuller picture of the pieces you are working with and will support us in supporting you as you work to transform this lead through the year ahead and beyond.

    Having been raised Catholic in a violent household myself, I’m acutely aware of the connection between the Church and the ingrained dominating, abusive, patriarchal attitudes that define so much of the history and expression of that particular religious lineage. All of it, at least the parts that have largely made it into the collective, rests on a rejection of Feminine knowing, of the body, of pleasure as a means of connecting to the Divine. I celebrate your commitment and desire to reclaim and redeem these aspects of your authentic nature! A big YES to recognizing the power in being soft, gentle, and relational!

    Thank you, Lauren, for stepping forward and articulating pieces of your story with such clarity.