• Kari Knapstad

    March 10, 2022 at 12:29 am

    After our office hour on Thursday, I realized I could offer a bit more of my process around my Prima Materia: I am alone. So much has unfolded since writing my PM here! These are a week’s worth of after effects. My birthday was last week. I had no plans. But this is how it went.

    Firstly, I made sure to stop at a park and swing on a swing set to embody the transformation of a two-phase recurring nightmare that I have had since early childhood. That nightmare came 6 times in one night as part of refining my PM. That has never happened, so I gave it extra meaning. The following night, after writing pages and pages and consulting with Benjamin & Lorie, I was swinging in a park in my dreams. Much better!

    I had more people than usual calling and texting all day in addition to the usual FB prompts. I was aware with each birthday wish that I wasn’t alone. My partner woke me up saying that he took the afternoon off so we could go to the coast, because he knows how I love that. Two friends joined us in impromptu celebration and a walk along the ocean path. The mask mandates here were finally lifted the day prior, except for in healthcare facilities, so we were free-faced all day. We ate in a restaurant while we have fresh antibodies and I felt so free! There was only one other customer in the other room, but it still felt good.

    The day topped off with astrology and a mini-reading saying that transiting Neptune at 14 degrees of Pisces is conjuncting my natal sun at 13 degrees, just one degree off, and natal Chiron exactly at 14, so a good year is in store! It seems this Mentorship was well-timed with my chart.

    On Friday, the next day, I was asked to consider joining someone in offering sacred medicine assisted end of life care, and offering education in that realm too, something we would have done with Morningstar. She works with blue lotus and I will be learning more about Egyptian mythology, especially Anubis. He weighed the heart against a feather before death. A big part of the work will be helping people to lighten their hearts, resolve unfinished business and to have a mystical experience in preparation for their transitions. I learned that blue lotus no longer grows in its homeland, the al kimia of the Nile, because they built a dam that no longer allows the floods that bring the dark soil. I learn that NOW! Our culture has eliminated the dark soil of the Nile. Fascinating. I hope we can put that in the curriculum for this year! Especially since I need to build up my own Earth to contain the swell of Water in my chart, and I’m looking at finding a way to not ruin my ecosystem in the process. How do I do this and still leave a homeland for sacred medicine?

    Then today after a perfect session in my mediumship development circle where the message for everyone in my group was around how the moment of finding joy changes grief, I found this card from my mother (pictured below). She passed in 2014, but it was like she just sent me a birthday card to say she loves me and to remind me that I am not alone. She also taught me, after a year of honoring many, many tears, that it was time to remember the joy of a life together, to remember the love. I’ll add that picture too, from a boat looking towards clouds over the Mediterranean Sea.

    That was in one week. I stand in awe of how many ways it has been reinforced that I am not alone. Of course, boundaries are up everywhere with me too. I’m grateful for all of the bite-sized pieces. No more 2×4’s over the head necessary 🥳 May this continue to be so🙏

    I added a few pictures. Kenneth and I on my birthday, the card from my Mom circa 2009, the visual of my grief lifting on the Mediterranean Sea and a cairn because I am in awe of the birthday gift from a stranger. We checked. No glue. Just rocks precariously balancing on the ocean’s windy edge.