• Lorie Dechar

    March 14, 2022 at 8:57 am

    Dear Kari … thank you for this beautiful sharing of your birthday experiences as well as your process during the week after our Office Hours gathering. I am deeply touched by the words and the images that speak of gold emerging from ancient lead, of green sprouts finding their way through black silt, finding new black soil when the old rivers are blocked from flowing.

    Sadness amidst the joy and joy amidst the sadness … a single stone impossibly balanced atop a pedestal of stones impossibly balanced on a cliffside in the wind … this is such an evocative picture of hope persisting amidst the chaos, challenges and storms of embodied life.

    You have clearly heeded the “alarm” and your process is unfolding. I am gratified to read of this different kind of swinging that is emerging in your dreams as well as the ritual of your life – reminds me of the swinging oscillations of transformational processes between order / disorder, connunctio / nigredo.

    The rediscovery of your mother’s card is too perfectly timed to be coincidental. I would call it synchronicity which means you are touching Tao. You are so not alone. She and so many others – living here on Earth and in realms beyond – are close by to support you. Their love is all around you and always to be found “in the quiet spaces of your heart.”

    And so, as you enter into this new exploration of sacred medicine in end of life care … the alchemical journey continues. Happy Birth Day 🌟