• benjamin@anewpossibility.com

    March 18, 2022 at 8:59 am

    Daniel – I’m grateful to have more time this morning to spend with your Prima Materia, and want to express right off my appreciation for your “… this vessel is under continuous development.” That is such a truth for all of us.

    As I expressed to Hung, thank you for having the courage and tenacity to step beyond your comfort zone. I want to assure you that you do belong. I hope in time you’ll come to feel and believe that with your whole body. I say that because, even though I don’t yet know you, I have a very strong sense of your commitment to your own inner work … and that is really what we’re up to here. Doing that for ourselves, and learning how to support others in doing the same.

    It’s interesting to me to consider what you are describing about “communication and the receptivity to it.” I see indications of this theme in your birth chart and it’s helpful to me to hear you describe how your communication originates in your heart, and is well-meaning, but is sometimes misunderstood. I will continue to pay attention to my own responses, and with your welcome or blessing, I’d love to be able to stay in conversation about this dynamic if and as it arises through the year. Okay?

    Your question, “What do you want to manifest in this life?” is so pointedly a Capricornian question. It feels significant that you’ve come to that. And your follow-up question, that of your distilled Prima Materia, “What is freedom and how can I live it?” is to my astrological mind resonant with the placement of your Sun in the 5th house of your chart. This house is, in fact, about joy, and the freedom that we feel when we are expressing what is in our hearts uninhibitedly. As such a strong Capricorn (Sun, Moon, Mercury, and South Node all in this sign), I have to wonder, too, if there is some joy that is derived from arriving at your own authority, and being recognized for the effort it has taken/will take to arrive there.

    And finally, this:

    I have been a son, a brother, an uncle, a free spirit, a wounded warrior, an athlete, a Veteran, a practitioner of various traditions, a musician, a teacher, a student, a healer, a lover, a wanderer and in some moments, not my best. I hope to one day be the bearer of Freedom in whatever way I may learn and experience it to be so I may live it for myself. In doing so hopefully inspire the same.

    Beautiful, Daniel, and I hope you will continue to bring all of these parts of who you’ve been and who you are to our work together. Can I ask what branch of the service you served in and where you performed that service?