• benjamin@anewpossibility.com

    March 25, 2022 at 4:59 am

    Yes, Anita, thanks for bringing the experience of your Weaving Arrival Group to this space for all our benefit. Indeed, isn’t it true that sometimes “we just don’t know.” I’ve been aware myself a lot lately of how much my work is about expanding my tolerance to bear the not knowing, while at the same time staying present and listening to what is arising from the still silence inside.

    We talk about kairos time a lot in our work. Kairos is an Ancient Greek word that means “the right, critical, or opportune moment” for something to occur … for the seed to crack, the insight to make itself known, the life force to take us in a new direction. You will hear Lorie say again and again that our job is to keep showing up to create the conditions for change to occur, but we are not in charge of the timing of when that change happens.

    Thanks to you and Hung for opening this discussion.