• Lauren Potts

    June 4, 2022 at 12:18 pm

    Rebecca, as I am lucky to get you in daily life I am happy to share in this forum, as I have in person, that I see the way you danced with these challenges in the past month as incredibly courageous and a direct result of your intention to use your voice more powerfully. It was basically a call and response from your soul to the universe in a gorgeous little set of opportunities. I get that there is contraction now. It reminds me of what my favorite Tarot teacher, Lindsay Mack, says: she says the brain does not care at all about expansion and evolution. It’s whole gig is to keep us safe, keep us in the boundaries of what we know and the behaviors that pose no risk. So when we are in the midst of expansion you can basically count on the brain to come in and start being an a-hole, telling us how badly we did the thing and we’d better stay with what we know and not do that courageous thing again. In other words, this contraction is basically proof of the expansion you’re experiencing. And the possible response: thank you brain for trying to keep me safe, but no thank you, my heart has got the wheel right now. 🙂 Here to support you with this all, always, in all ways. Your steps may feel clumsy but they’re filled with power and potential and will no doubt get more practiced in time. Love you, friend 💞💞💞