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Essay on “The Surprising Nearby”


Sometimes it seems to me that people have become indifferent to a lot of things around them. It seems that no one and nothing can surprise anyone. They simply don’t notice a lot of things, they are not interested in almost anything, and they don’t pay any attention to many things and events. Everyone is personally occupied with his own problem, his own business. Not all, of course, but many. I will use not speak about others, I will speak personally about myself. Sometimes I have moments when, as if I had woken up from a dream, I suddenly began to notice things that I had never paid attention to before.


We get used to everything: the school where we study, the house where we live. And already it seems that everything there is familiar to the smallest detail, so why be surprised? But one day there is such a feeling that you suddenly saw even your own school, as if from the outside. Surprisingly, pay for essay correction it turns out that the teacher, who gave me not so good marks, is not so harmful (as I thought) and evil. He actually knows a lot of interesting things! And what I noticed is that if you smile more often, look at the world with slightly different eyes, it changes completely and becomes completely different, more interesting.


Now I understand that in order to learn how to be surprised, it only takes so little – just smile first. We are surrounded by so many beautiful and amazing things, and sometimes, just because of our laziness, we don’t notice anything. Even man himself is an amazing creature. His abilities and all the things he can create and create are interesting. Take, for example,  a cell phone. Today each of us has one, and it seems strange that before it did not exist, and how people write my capstone paper for me could do without it. How many items of modern technology surround us at school, at home: television of the latest models, computers, Internet, household appliances. And yet they are all man-made! How did he manage to do it?


It is scientifically proved that the capacity of human mind is not limited and not studied up to the end. If man could not be surprised, he would not have invented anything. Perhaps we would not have witnessed unique scientific discoveries.


In our modern and very complicated world, it is difficult to be surprised. But contrary to this statement, it is necessary to be able to see the unusual in something very ordinary. This skill we must develop in ourselves and enjoy life constantly. Then we will not be afraid of the gray, boring weekdays. If we do not learn to be surprised, will be indifferent to everything, then we all will be very boring to live on Earth. Nature has created so many beautiful and wonderful, the most important thing is to notice it, not to miss it, and do not pass by. After all, our life itself and the people around us are beautiful and amazing, each in his own way.


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