Forum Replies Created

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  • Penny Boyland

    May 17, 2023 at 11:45 am in reply to: Chronic insomnia and extreme Heat releases

    Hi Yvonne,

    Apologies for my late response to your in depth reply. Lots to digest!!!

    Thank you again for every thing you have imparted over the last 10 months. I have learnt so much and now need to take some time and space to digest, (when my Middle is already potentially constipated 🀣). Lots and lots to integrate. Thus, I will be leaving the Alumni for now.


    All the best,


  • Penny Boyland

    May 17, 2023 at 11:37 am in reply to: Use of Essential Oils for DM pathology

    Thank you Yvonne

  • Penny Boyland

    May 17, 2023 at 11:35 am in reply to: Use of magnets instead of Essential Oils for DM Treatments

    Thank you Yvonne.

  • Penny Boyland

    May 2, 2023 at 4:09 am in reply to: Access to Alumni Office Recordings


    I don’t seem to have received a reply to my question regarding how long we will be able to access the Alumni Office Hours. Am I correct to presume that as soon as we stop paying we lose access?

    Many thanks and kind regards,


  • Penny Boyland

    May 2, 2023 at 4:07 am in reply to: Alumni Office hours dates and Times

    Hi Lorianne,

    I am aware that according to the dates Yvonne offered, there are only two Alumni Office Hours left, (month of May). Will my monthly payment automatically stop now the payment for these last two has been taken, or do I have to manually cancel. If yes to the latter, how close to the 1st of the next month do I have to action to prevent being charged another month?

    Many thanks and kind regards,


  • Penny Boyland

    April 28, 2023 at 11:26 am in reply to: Chronic insomnia and extreme Heat releases

    Hi Yvonne,

    I really appreciate your time and effort to go through my case.

    It is indeed frustrating to make such an investment in my healing to then read your appraisal and feedback.

    The distance between treatments has been for two reasons:

    1) The Five Elements Stems and Branches treatment intervals are monthly, (this was how I was trained);

    2) The Channel Theory treatments began as weekly and then moved to fortnightly half way through the 100 Day EoM schedule, (as I was advised).

    3) The last three treatments were spaced three weeks apart due to my current financial situation.

    <font face=”inherit”>The number of </font>needles<font face=”inherit”> in each treatment were not </font>at all what I am used to, (Stems and Branches acupuncture aims for the least number possible and regularly uses only three or four).

    My request for treatment was to work with the Heat releases, (in my chest behind the sternum), and the chronic insomnia. Both of which I personally believe are driven by decades of deep holding and composting of the energy of repressed emotion/protest energy from early life unmet needs.

    The acupuncturist identified the unmet needs to correlate with Ren Mai, (specifically, the lack of bonding and attachment relationship which began in-utero before I was even born). Hence, the recommendation was to focus on a 100 day 8 EoM treatment schedule, initially working with Ren Mai. The 8 EoM work then also included Dai Mai, (Rx 3, 7, and 8), and Chong (Rx 4). But as you can see from the treatments, he also included Gua Sha, cupping and needling to release the PC Loop; and bleeding of Luo Collaterals to vent the repressed emotions. Hence, I wrote in terms of “too dilute” a focus.

    I do feel the Yin Fire treatment has given a subtle shift, in the sense that I feel a little less grief stricken by the prospect of the loss of my ancestral home. I feel a little more acceptance that only with its sale and the final deliverance of some inheritance will I actually be able to leave certain toxic, emotionally blackmailing relationships behind. Could such a subtle shift be due to less Yin/Emotional Fire invading my Middle Jiao to permit my SP to be more effective at T & T? Perhaps…

    Yes, there is definitely a repeated theme of betrayal in relationship throughout my life. Thank you for condensing that further to “betrayal of self.” Whilst that is indeed confronting, I have sat with it. The first sense that surfaced was that I even let my self be born! And then, that I agreed to come in as a twin, (and the twin always viewed as less at that), rather than as a single baby.

    The Universe/the Tao is continuing to push me forward. The last couple of days has presented the next act of betrayal. That has proven to be incredibly intense. The strength of the protest energy was the strongest I have ever felt in my life. It connected me to how one’s own intense rage can feel life threatening to one’s self; how it can send someone insane; or fracture the psyche with a psychotic break. The meaning that has landed is: the way my inheritance is being abused, restricted, and even withheld smacks of the way I was made to wait for and restricted with food/nourishment.

    What medium would be used to store/put into latency such unspent primitive life preserving energies?

    Can Ren Mai work with such intense rage, especially when it is connected to nourishment and bonding?

    Or would working with such repressed, intense, primitive protest energy point to another 8 EoM?

    Thank you again,


  • Penny Boyland

    March 27, 2023 at 2:53 pm in reply to: Thank you!!!

    Hi Andrew,

    I also wish you well. Many thanks for sharing your cases in the Mentorship Office Hours and in the Forum.


  • Penny Boyland

    March 21, 2023 at 6:56 am in reply to: Upcoming dates

    Thank you.

    Could someone clarify how long the Alumni Office Hour recordings and Forum Discussions will be available to access.

    Many thanks,


  • Penny Boyland

    January 23, 2023 at 10:41 am in reply to: New Patient w/ severe PMS

    Hi Andrew,

    No worries.

    Having read my post, (and edited for typos etc), I now wish to acknowledge the following:

    because it is highly likely that the client’s issues are her neurophysiology’s expression of latency of early life trauma, it will be far more appropriate to treat at the pre-natal level rather than the post-natal level. In this sense, working with Chong or Ren, (i.e. the 8 EoMs) would be far more appropriate in this client than working with the PC Loop, Dai Mai or the LV.


  • Penny Boyland

    January 21, 2023 at 11:19 am in reply to: New Patient w/ severe PMS

    Hi Andrew,

    Once again you bring a very educational case to the forum – thank you. It has been very rich following yourself and Yvonne bounce back and forth with your explorations.

    Apologies in advance – this is a long reply! So sorry if it feels overwhelming. I am trying to help you understand how my mind works through its reasoning :).

    For myself, I am struck by the following in your client’s presentation/S&Ss:

    – severe PMS – this speaks of a freeze response in the uterus/hormonal cycle where the latter is under the control of the Autonomic Nervous System, (ANS, which equates to the LU), and thus speaks of a stress/trauma response

    – severe fatigue – this speaks of a freeze at the cellular mitochondrial level (LU/SP)

    – pronounced depression without any understanding of the cause – this speaks of “repression” rather than “depression”, i.e., whatever has been stuffed out of conscious awareness has happened due to unconscious processes of protection. This again speaks of involvement of the ANS (LU/HT)

    – brain fog – this speaks of dissociation in the Central Nervous System and again this is happening at the unconscious level indicating an imbalance the ANS (LU/SP)

    – alopecia – this is a stress response in itself whilst understandably being stressful to experience and cope with. Alopecia can also be a response to a shock, i.e. once again another sign of the ANS speaking of trauma (?SP)

    – LU pulse a bit empty – ? due to overworking of the ANS/Po? (LU)

    – Pulse overall is wiry/tense – ? due to overwork of the Sympathetic Nervous System (SNS) underneath the brake of the freeze response

    – tendency to feel cold; extremities generally cold, (i.e., like Raynaud’s? which is due to Qi and Blood deficiency, and Yang deficiency. It is interesting that LU-9, the Hui point of the arteries and veins can be very helpful). This speaks of a freeze response in the microcirculation. Again, an unconscious response again modulated by the ANS (LU)

    – very flinchy; lots of muscular guarding this speaks of hypervigilance in the ANS, (LU/Wei/LV) due to the world not feeling a safe place

    – very timid, introverted demeanour – this speaks of a toxic shame response indicating the struggle to get her very early, essential needs met. This would seem to be further corroborated by the client stating:

    —- she has always had a strained relationship with her Mom (REN/LU)

    —-her depression is characterised by a sense of hopelessness, wanting to isolate and intrusive negative thoughts including suicidal thoughts

    – suidical thoughts – indicates an inward/introversion of early protest/anger that was not co-regulated by the care giver (REN/LU/LV)

    – doesn’t feel rested on waking – at night her nervous system’s guarding mechanisms and coping strategies will be less, thereby enabling her system to try to process at night. This will lead to busy/disturbed sleep and thus not feeling rested on waking. (LV/Hun)

    – she takes an anti-histamine – this class of drug blocks inflammation where the latter speaks of the SNS being over active, i.e., a part of her is now “fighting” herself. This is another presentation of lack of co-regulation of protest/anger in early life. (LU/LV).

    According to the above, I would totally understand why the following treatment approaches would be useful:

    – CHONG would be very helpful, e.g., signs of very early life trauma; blood stagnation.

    I would also be interested in any ancestral influences, e.g., what is/was her Mum’s menstrual experience; was the client’s birth experience traumatic (providing the link for the trauma to be retained in the uterus/Bao Mai)

    – REN due to my hypothesis of early bonding issues.

    Perhaps Moxa to REN-8 to tonify her Yang CAUTION! See below

    – LUNG due to:

    * Providing the benefit of working with the imbalance in the ANS, (connection to the LU and the Po), e.g. I was taught LU-1, LU-2 and LU-3 all work on the Po. And, following this further, a Po treatment for the first cycle of Jing could also be implicated.


    *LU-2 can be used for excess Wei Qi, (inflammation)

    *LU-5 is indicated in children with hair loss, (combined with SP-10, LI-15 and SI-7)

    * LU-6 circulates the Blood and Qi to the hands and feet

    * LU-7 as well as being the Master Point of REN, I was also taught that it unblocks the meridians and takes the perverse Qi out at night.

    * LU-9 indicated for Raynaud’s and also acts to calm the pulses due to its connection with the ANS

    – LIVER, especially the LV Luo due to:

    —- its relationship with Blood where the Blood houses the emotions. As explained, she’s presenting signs of emotional β€œrepression”, especially the repressions of early protest/anger energy. N.B., it would be good to ask her about her relationship with anger. It also noteworthy to remind that she has a β€œtimid introverted demeanour”;

    —- she suffers from hypervigilance due the world not feeling a safe place;

    —- she has sleep issues indicating restless Hun; and

    —- Her menstrual issues involve her internal genitalia – her uterus

    All would be further corroborated by the presence of any spider veins on her LV Luo. If this is indeed the case then bleeding LV-5 could be an option and perhaps adding LV-3 and REN-4. Or, for a full LV Luo Rx: bleed LV-5<b style=”font-family: inherit; font-size: inherit;”>, tonify LV-3, needle Ren-4 and Sp-10.

    – the PC LOOP. There are also plenty of reasons to work on the PC Loop to open the chest area to permit the emotional repression to begin to move for processing:

    —- Bleed REN-15 and any REN Luo spider veins

    —- Bleed GB-22

    —- Bleed SP-21

    —- Bleed LV-14

    —- PC-6 and LV-3 infinity loop (plus either REN-15 or LV-14)

    AND, due to the emotional repression probably occurring early in life, it is highly likely that her PC Loop became overwhelmed, causing the latency to then be passed to Dai Mai, to then cause a blockage in her Bao Mai. Hence her menstrual symptoms.

    Finally, I would regard this client as what I refer to as β€œYang Intolerant”, (repressed anger presenting as depression but particularly the worsening of symptoms in the yang/moving phase of the menstrual cycle). Consequently, I would be asking her to keep a close eye on the following after treatment:

    Β· the quality of her sleep

    Β· her level of hypervigilance

    Β· if her sense of her depression/hopelessness increases

    Β· if her signs of inflammation increase, (or the antihistamine seems less effective)

    Β· if her intrusive negative thoughts become worse

    All of the above might necessitate reducing the mobilizing nature of the treatments. In such a case, it might be beneficial for the client to drink warm cinnamon or ginger tea as a different way to support her Yang.

    I acknowledge there are probably other things that Yvonne has taught us that I haven’t managed to bring into the mix – I still have lots to synthesise and integrate. So apologies if my ideas read elementary. Any further feedback is welcomed.

    Many thanks,


  • Penny Boyland

    January 21, 2023 at 10:59 am in reply to: New Patient w/ severe PMS


    I am trying to reply, but my typing goes weird. I have edited and cut and copied again without success.

    I will try to reply again using a new reply to see if that makes any difference.


  • Penny Boyland

    January 16, 2023 at 8:50 am in reply to: getting error message re signing up for continued office hours

    Hi Lorianne,

    I have tried all the links you have provided to enrol – none of them seem to work. The link indeed passes through to the bio page with the dates, but clicking on the Enroll Now, whilst it indeed puts the Alumni Membership into my cart, trying to get to the next step, (view cart or checkout), goes to a page that states I’ve got lost!

    I appreciate this is late in the day for the Office Hour taking place in less than 10 mins, but if it wold be sorted out, at least I could access the recording and be part of the rest of the Alumni period.

    Many thanks for your help.


  • Penny Boyland

    January 12, 2023 at 9:23 am in reply to: When the mind says yes but the body says no

    Hi Yvonne,

    Thank you for your replies and your feedback, (which I personally take on board).

    Thank you once again for exposing my shortcomings – I am a student, not a Master😌.

    When composing my query, I thought I had indeed included my understanding/proposals of why I would understand SP-10 being supportive in bridging the gap between the Mind saying “yes” to healing, whilst the Body might be saying “no”. I was interested in hearing if you or others had anything else to add to support my learning.

    After your invitation to “use my time better” I have reflected further and gone back to the lecture notes for the Luo Collaterals. Therein, you include a slide with the title “Balance between thinking & feeling”, which refers to the mental body of the Yi of the Spleen controlling thoughts ideas and cognition. All of which would seem implicated in a case of disconnect between the Mind and the Body, i.e., imbalances in the SP will interfere with:

    • control of thoughts, ideas and cognition;
    • the processes of the Mind.

    Furthermore, the same slide states that the T&T functions of the SP are part of the assimilation that provides context to our experiences. As the source of those experiences is the Body, it would make sense that imbalances in SP function/T&T would interfere with the Mind’s ability to assimilate information from the Body – the bridge between Mind and Body would broken. Certainly use of SP-10 would be helpful in such situations, but surely wouldn’t most SP points?! My original curiosity was aroused by you specifically mentioning SP-10 in the context of a disconnect between Mind and Body. This was obviously offered in the context of Dani’s question regarding her male musician client. In hindsight, I perhaps took your reply too literally. None-the-less, it has still indeed provided learning πŸ™.

    Finally, revisiting that same slide from the Luo Collateral lecture also helps to remind me that treatment of the PC could also be beneficial in a case of disconnect between Mind and Body. This would come from the understanding that all experiences of life are filtered by the PC. And, since experience is somatically based – Body based – it follows that the ability of the Mind to sense and track the Body also depends on a healthy PC.



  • Penny Boyland

    January 6, 2023 at 10:42 am in reply to: PC loop- treatment options?

    Many thanks Yvonne 😊

  • Penny Boyland

    January 3, 2023 at 12:09 pm in reply to: possible divergent pathology?

    Happy New Year Yvonne,

    Thank you for your feedback and your generosity in the way you have positioned it πŸ˜‰.

    And, my reply did in part attend to Stephanie’s origin post by agreeing with her sense that her client would indeed benefit from working on releasing her PC Loop.

    I acknowledge I could have been more specific regarding Stephanie’s question in her title: “Possible Divergent Pathology?” Indeed, her client would, on the surface seem to meet the criteria for a Divergent treatment, i.e.,</font>

    • there is mention of a bilateral symptomthoracic pain – although it is not clear if this is a recent thing or a chronic thing.
    • the client definitely has a chronic problem, (?life long anxiety);
    • along with evidence of a strongly suppressed emotion, (“strong constriction in her PC Loop”)

    but the client’s early developmental history and trauma, (which I felt wasn’t so obvious in the case history), would more likely indicate use of the 8EoMs, particularly Ren Mai. Yet Stephanie shares that she has tried both Ren and Chong Mai Rxs with little results…. This perplexes me, and, is my personal experience with Ren Mai/Chong Mai Rxs given to myself by the acupuncturists I have worked with/am working with. Why indeed is this the case?

    • Is it that such early trauma is held at such a deep level that it takes more than a few Rxs to really get permanent shifts? OR
    • should the approach be to work with the 8EoMs for a whole Jing cycle (100 days)? OR
    • would addition of PC Loop release Rxs to the Ren Mai or Chong Mai Rxs be sufficient to give the extra push for change? OR
    • is it a case of extra, non-acupuncture resource/support being required, especially between acupuncture Rxs, to keep tonifying the foundation to catalyse more permanent change, (hence my offering of adding the education regarding Parts of Self and self-attunement)?

    Hopefully, the above additions/reflections mean I am back between the tracks so to speak πŸ™ƒ


    P.S. Every post I make on the forum is first posted with a whole load of goobledeegook about font, e.g. </font>non-acupuncture<font face=”inherit”> through out the post<font face=”inherit”> that I then go back into my post to edit and remove. Does anyone </font>else<font face=”inherit”> experience this? Is there a way I can stop it happening? It’s really quite inconvenient!</font>

    <font face=”inherit”></font>

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