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Succulent plants have leaves, roots, and stems with nutritional tissue that is fatty, juicy, and water-rich. Succulents are drought-resistant, hardy, and beautiful because they can use their internal water to feed themselves when there is a water shortage for growth and survival.

Many succulent species have medicinal properties in addition to being ornamental plant species. Their affluent people There are over 10,000 species of succulent plants in the world, distributed among more than 80 families and nearly 800 genera, making it a very diverse plant species.

Website:  Succulent Plants

Succulents come in a variety of colors.

According to their fleshy metamorphic parts, commonly grown succulents are categorized into leaf succulents, stem succulents, and stem-like succulents. They are separated into three categories: winter types, summer types, and intermediate types, based on the way that plants grow. Depending on the plant’s natural form, it is divided into Succulents can be classified into four categories based on their natural forms: grassy succulents, shrubby succulents, herbaceous succulents, and vine-like succulents.

Pages: Types of succulent plants

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