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  • Judy Tsafrir

    April 22, 2022 at 7:10 pm in reply to: Lab Work for April 2022

    Hi Benjamin, I wanted to look at the Five Spirit Approach to Treating Shock and Trauma but could not locate it. Can you tell me how find it? Thanks.

  • Judy Tsafrir

    April 6, 2022 at 5:03 pm in reply to: Lorie's Ode to the Green Dragon

    Thank you!

  • Judy Tsafrir

    April 6, 2022 at 4:06 pm in reply to: How to understand this?

    This was the most beautiful talk. Extremely moving to me. I have heard him do the sing-song litany a million times in so many different talks. He does it in this one again. The talk is called “Peace is Possible.” Here is the link:

    I hope it also speaks to you.

  • Judy Tsafrir

    April 3, 2022 at 8:30 am in reply to: How to understand this?

    What a wonderful response! So happy to receive it. I knew you would have a thoughtful reply. I look forward to reading the resources you referenced. I am very interested to hear more about your and Lorie’s experience in this regard and I like the idea of looking at it through an alchemical framework.

    Yes, by history both children in that family were clearly losing their minds, and it’s no surprise given their mother’s behavior with me. I was so relieved to just refund the payment and close that door. We can be very vulnerable to complaints and lawsuits as MDs.

    Some psychoanalysts would likely say in the first instance with falling down the stairs, that I somehow was unable to tolerate that very joyful feeling I had after the gathering, and that I somehow needed to spoil it, out of unconscious guilt. But I am not sure that I buy that. I felt like there was some dark or negative energy that was trying to balance things out.

    In the second instance, I cannot think of anything that I did that contributed to that mother’s false accusations. So, I look forward to more discussion about this! Thanks again.

  • Judy Tsafrir

    March 24, 2022 at 3:46 am in reply to: Benjamin's Prima Materia

    I found what you wrote very moving and well expressed. I have a very old friend who says in response to her own suffering or mine or our kids’, “it’s hard to be flesh and bones.’ I often think of that saying when I hear a story of developmental trauma and its long shadow. I love the way you make use of the archetypes of astrology to frame your experience and put it into perspective. I am honored to be part of this community and to bear witness to each other’s growth and development.

  • Judy Tsafrir

    April 22, 2022 at 7:07 pm in reply to: Big Very Vivid Dream from 04.09.2022

    Loved your reflections, Lorie. I look forward to the conversation about active imagination and learning more about that. I am wondering if it’s like shamanic journeying. I liked your framing of the three characters in the dream. Definitely, a lot to continue to reflect upon here.

  • Judy Tsafrir

    April 22, 2022 at 7:00 pm in reply to: Big Very Vivid Dream from 04.09.2022

    Thank you, Benjamin, for your response. I appreciated and agreed with your astrological analysis. I completed writing a book proposal with the help of a book proposal writing coach that includes a very detailed outline of the whole book, a comparative titles section, a section about biography and promotion as well as two completed chapters and am trying to find an agent and/or a publisher. I have had two separate experiences of great interest and seductive promise that came out of the blue, only to have them fizzle. Realistically I am really only in the very beginning of the whole process of looking for an agent and publisher and have no reason to feel discouraged yet, but those two disappointments were challenging. Do you know that children’s board game CandyLand? Those two experiences were like pulling a card that takes you to the rainbow space at the end of the journey without having to move along through all of the colored squares, then pulling another card that drops you back down to the very beginning. I would just much rather focus my energy on writing the book rather than query letters and all of that. But I am sure that all authors feel like that.

  • Judy Tsafrir

    April 22, 2022 at 6:37 pm in reply to: How to understand this?

    What a wonderful rich thoughtful comment, Lorie. It was so very helpful to me. Thank you so much. It helps me to hold all of this. The drama in my life has continued in a big way with even more tantalizing magical excitements only to be followed quickly by resounding thuds. It’s been extraordinary in terms of the extremes. Your comments soothe me. I have definitely felt buffeted about by extreme highs and lows of external events that I am not orchestrating. They are coming to me. I do of course have a choice about how excited and disappointed I allow myself to get, but there is something unusual going on here. I completely agree with your insight about the psychoanalytic interpretation leaving one feeling vaguely guilty and responsible with an overvaluing of the ego’s capacity for control. I resonate with your embrace and acknowledgment of Mystery and the awe of witnessing the Multi-Dimensional that is at work in our lives. I also loved what you wrote about “putting some disorder in the bank” I am a rich woman at the moment. I felt comforted by your framing this as a time of creative expansion and also your reminder that the phase of descent is just as valuable as the time of bright promise. Thank you, again. This is why I wanted to work with you. You speak my language. Very grateful.

  • Judy Tsafrir

    April 4, 2022 at 4:01 pm in reply to: How to understand this?

    I appreciate your response, Benjamin, and the encouragement to climb back into the ring. It’s important to cultivate equanimity. I think about that a lot. Jack Kornfield goes through a litany in a sing-song voice that I find soothing, “Praise and Blame, Gain and Loss, Prestige and Disgrace, Pleasure and Pain.” I often turn to his teachings when I feel anxious or out of sorts. He always puts things into perspective. Thanks again for your responses.

  • Judy Tsafrir

    March 13, 2022 at 12:32 pm in reply to: Favorite Astrologer Teaching a Beginner’s Course

    Would love to!

  • Judy Tsafrir

    March 13, 2022 at 12:31 pm in reply to: Judy’s Prima Materia

    Thank you for your thoughtful response. It’s amazing to have lived so much of life already and to feel like there is a completely new beginning at the same time. But that is what the Progressed Sun moving into the first house is. I also love to see my life through the lens of the archetypes correlating with the planetary movements and the feeling of cosmic connection that provides. It feels so orderly and beautiful and simply unfolding with Divine timing. Of course its up to us to accept the invitation, but there is a cosmic tailwind at our back. ❤

  • Judy Tsafrir

    March 13, 2022 at 12:24 pm in reply to: Favorite Astrologer Teaching a Beginner’s Course

    I have never taught an astrology course but have fantasized about doing so. I thought of perhaps asking people to buy her course, which they will be able to do once it is over. It will be available for purchase on her website. Then they could watch an episode and then we could work with techniques and material that she discusses in person. The course would be like the textbook.

  • Judy Tsafrir

    March 13, 2022 at 8:36 am in reply to: Favorite Astrologer Teaching a Beginner’s Course

    I like that word, reliability. Honesty, I sometimes do not resonate with some of her ideas about what is going on in the world. But like with everyone, I take what I like and leave the rest. And there is way more that is good that Emily offers than what is off-putting.

  • Judy Tsafrir

    March 13, 2022 at 6:52 am in reply to: Favorite Astrologer Teaching a Beginner’s Course

    Yes, Lauren. Each session is 1.5 hours long and she provides many wonderful handouts and resources. There is also homework that you can do if you want, and a MeWe group, which is like Facebook, but they do not harvest your personal data, where people can find homework partners to buddy up with and work together.

    Emily is on fire at the moment. I have been following her and learning from her for years and its been fascinating for me to witness her development. She just launched a new website that is gorgeous called “The Embodied Aquarian” and a podcast of the same name. You will not regret it if you sign up. I have never participated in anything she offered that was not first rate.

    Since the sessions are recorded, there is no need to attend live. She like Lorie, is a model for me of feminine leadership, and since I am also ready to lead now after 65 years of hanging back, I particularly appreciate their examples.

  • Judy Tsafrir

    March 13, 2022 at 6:20 am in reply to: Judy’s Prima Materia

    Good Morning, Benjamin. I never responded to your question about how it feels to have Progressed Mars move into Aries and the Sun on my Ascendent. Thank you for asking.

    It feels exciting and as though something that I have known for a long time will be coming in is finally here now. It’s remarkable to me how I could palpably feel it in the wings for years. I could not shake the feeling that at some point in the future, that everything would be different in terms of how I am in the world.

    I am feeling increasingly empowered and emboldened. Much more fiery. I am no longer going to stay silent when I have something to say. I am done with that.

    I am also in the midst of another phase of a very prolonged Neptune transit. Transiting Neptune in 2015 first conjuncted my natal Mars in Pisces squaring my Ascendent in Sag at the same time, in 2017 opposed my natal Jupiter and Moon in Virgo and now is moving on to oppose my Mercury at 28 Virgo for the next 4-5 years. This opposition of Neptune to Mercury is very welcome and I am so intrigued about how this is going to unfold. I wrote previously that I am interested in developing and expressing my magical non-rational self. This transit will, I believe, support that wish.

    So, that is how things feel at the moment. My life is becoming increasingly spiritualized and I am having a number of remarkable encounters and experiences. Its such a blessing to have the wisdom of Astrology to help frame things and put it all into perspective. ❤

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