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  • Rebecca Donnelly

    October 13, 2022 at 6:24 am in reply to: Chat Transcript from October 11 Office Hours

    Oh thank you so much everyone! Thank you Benjamin for passing all this wisdom from the chat back to all of us and it is especially meaningful for me as I work with this patient. Yesterday I was able to have a chat with his therapist as well as see him again for the second treatment.

    From the therapist I learned that he did grow up in a very violent home and has never been able to process that fear or enter into grief. He has had an incredible amount of anxiety his whole life. He chose critical care because he liked to be able to make a quick decision and not go into anxiety by thinking for too long. His therapists words were that that was fine until all the decisions were like Sophie’s choice. She also said she gave him several options for different modalities to try and let him know if he didn’t do something he would likely end up in the hospital. He had done acupuncture for back pain a few years ago and so he chose acupuncture. So those are the circumstances he was willing to give something a try.

    As for the treatment I was having trouble finding space in the room because all of you were all there with your lanterns!! It was crowded!! lol. I did do the grounding exercise that David lead us in and that was super helpful and I continued to reconnect throughout our time together with my feet, my heart, and my connection to spirit. He did seem slightly more at ease and we were able to have a little bit of casual conversation. I did take Lorie’s suggestion of treating Lu 10 with moxa, I did some water points, some blue tansy on Lv 3, Helichrysum on Li 4. (Lauren and I’s teacher Tiffany Carole teaches that Helichrysum is best for very old wounds and ancestral knots). Lastly I did something I just have done intuitively with some people and that is to support the neck and occiput with one hand while gently holding CV 17. I also just held Lu 1 for a few minutes. With my words, I mentioned several times that I can sense he doesn’t have much hope right now but not to worry, that I would be holding it for him until he was ready.

    Again, I am so grateful we were able to spend some time discussing this patient and I feel so supported as I went into that second treatment. Thanks to everyone xo

  • Rebecca Donnelly

    October 6, 2022 at 2:10 pm in reply to: welcoming treatment thoughts

    Thanks for your response Benjamin. His date of birth is 12/23/55. As I say, it was extremely difficult to learn much about him so I am not sure where he was born.

    There was not a lot of redness happening but there was slightly more color around the heart and I let that one sit on it’s own. . . .but it also didn’t last all that long. Although I could feel the heat so I know there was some clearing happening.

    I will let you know about place if he does indeed make it back in next week!

  • Rebecca Donnelly

    July 31, 2022 at 5:37 am in reply to: Look Who Landed on the Buddhas!

    wow!!! that is amazing Judy!! And you were camera ready to capture it!

  • Rebecca Donnelly

    June 5, 2022 at 9:42 am in reply to: Rebecca’s PM

    Lorie, Benjamin, and Lauren,

    I keep sitting down to respond and here is what comes up for me from the responses you all shared. It feels a bit like a re parenting or really being seen in the fullness of who I am. The experience feels deeply healing. It definitely brings tears and feels strengthening in a way that I wouldn’t have expected. There is a concern I have in sharing something that may be perceived as a complaint or an airing of drama or something like that. However, these conflicts and the responses I was able to come to did feel important in light of my Prima Materia. Having Lauren as an ally and friend in the office doing this program together has been amazing. Lauren has a beautiful way of cutting through the small talk and allowing a meaningful share just in passing between treatments. She helped me notice the opportunity in the struggle with the tenant and having someone there aware of the underlying Prima Materia is just an amazing gift to me.

    I just want to give a deep bow to you all for holding me in such a way that I feel so seen and heard. It is incredibly healing.

    Thank you!!


  • Rebecca Donnelly

    June 3, 2022 at 9:47 am in reply to: Rebecca’s PM

    So I just wanted to check in for a moment about some movement and the inherent discomforts that tag along with that. I know that both Lorie and Benjamin recommended Trumpet Vine as a flower essence for me in relationship to my Prima Materia. It is only when I went back to read the suggestions again that I am hearing the part about it being a great fit for in the summer after some other work. So, I don’t know if taking it sooner has any bearing on my current feelings.

    I started trumpet vine about a month ago. I don’t actually know if it is related or not but it sort of feels that way to me. About a month ago I began entering some serious boundary issues in relationship to colleagues and to patients. I had to have some hard conversations that were really outside of my realm of comfort and required a fair amount of coaching from family and friends. These conversations ended in terminating the relationships. I did so clumsily. It had the desired outcome and there was some part of me that was like “hell yes! I stood up for myself!”. It must be the trumpet vine! lol. As time is moving forward I am having some strange feelings of regret or shame or fear that someone else is going to be super angry with me or dislike me or sue me. . . etc.

    I am hopeful that the funny feelings are because this is new? And it was a bit clumsy? I am hopeful that the experience will help me set up better boundaries initially in all relationships especially those related to work. I see the work that needs to be done around communication with patients and expectations and getting things put into words as a container. The class on Heart boundaries was incredibly timely around all of this!

    I do sense the sensation of constriction in my throat is less as of recent. It is more diffuse and centers more around my heart these days.

    I would love some feedback on whether continuing with the flower essence is a good idea or does it make sense to take a break?

    Sending love and looking forward to our next gathering!!


  • Rebecca Donnelly

    June 3, 2022 at 9:24 am in reply to: Prima Materia in Action

    wow . . .what an amazing conversation this is! It just helps me take a deep breath to read all of it. I feel myself relaxing knowing that a feeling of overwhelm is not a personal failure but just part of the dance we are all doing especially now. One of my online Nia acquaintances posted this and I immediately thought of this conversation we are having.

    “Healing happens in shifts; we take turns. “

  • Rebecca Donnelly

    May 8, 2022 at 3:00 pm in reply to: The Golden Buddha ~ A mythology to inspire

    Thank you for putting your experience to words. It is so exciting to me to watch the alchemy happening in all of our lives. It becomes even more exciting when you can articulate it through your words. I feel like I am literally witnessing the stone and mud get chipped off as a more vibrant version of you is exposed/expressed. Until next time. . . .sending love

  • Rebecca Donnelly

    July 31, 2022 at 9:34 am in reply to: Look Who Landed on the Buddhas!

    Oh I see !! haha

  • Rebecca Donnelly

    July 8, 2022 at 2:09 pm in reply to: Flower Found

    Thank you for your response Lorie. It definitely has a dreamlike magical quality to find something in your front yard that may be a powerful life ally! And to create these from home by hand honestly feels transformational in different way than buying something over the internet ever could.

  • Rebecca Donnelly

    July 8, 2022 at 2:04 pm in reply to: Flower Found

    Oh wow. . . that is just so beautiful!!! This other description!! I feel it in my solar plexus when I read that. Thank you so much Benjamin! There is some magic in spotting these deep red sprays which now must be in full bloom. . . .they are taking over the front yard! I don’t know why this site was not allowing me to post the pictures. . . .anyway, sounds like the transmission of the story was received.

  • Rebecca Donnelly

    July 5, 2022 at 12:55 pm in reply to: Flower Found

    Thank you Lucy! I know right? About my Prima Materia. . . .it felt very right when I read about this beautiful red and yellow stunner of a flower. Have you found one in your environment up and over there to work with? I hope you are well! Looking forward to seeing you in a couple of weeks! It feels like it has been a while. xo

  • Rebecca Donnelly

    May 10, 2022 at 2:36 pm in reply to: Wood Element Painting

    Thanks Benjamin. . . honestly just glancing at her site. . . much more relevant and recent work is on instagram @Kitdonnelly

    looking forward to seeing you next week for my reading!!

  • Rebecca Donnelly

    May 10, 2022 at 11:31 am in reply to: Wood Element Painting

    Thank you Benjamin! My sister Kit currently lives in her painting studio behind what is our family house in Cape May. She took up living there after caring for my parents and now is caring for the house and living in the art studio/shed with a tiny loft above. She often shows in Philli, I have a huge amount here in my studio in Baltimore and she also shows in Cape May. You can see her work at These past few years she has amassed an amazing amount of work. It is really beautiful to watch her unfolding and growing with her art which has moved beyond just painting. Thanks for your interest.

  • Rebecca Donnelly

    March 15, 2022 at 10:26 am in reply to: Rebecca’s PM

    OMG I missed the part about it just appeared under the “Self-Arising Nature Center” sign in March of 2020. . . .that. . .is. . . amazing!

    Yea, I think I am willing to go with some discomfort. . . . I have a generous amount of support in my life right now including here. . . . feels like a good time to shine some light on things. And then look to the trumpet flower for the summer.

    thanks Benjamin

  • Rebecca Donnelly

    March 15, 2022 at 8:49 am in reply to: Rebecca’s PM

    Hi Lorie,

    Thank you so much for this recommendation. . .now I am curious. I haven’t done anything with flower essence before. Benjamin recommended Crown Flower. The reviews there mention “a lot of old stuff coming up” when first starting it. And you also suggested that Trumpet flower may need to be used with caution or that it might be easier to begin closer to Fire season. Is there anything you would recommend for which one to start with. Is there any additional essence that might help ease me in to opening around my throat?

    Thank you for any guidance!


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