Forum Replies Created

  • Renee Shankar

    September 26, 2022 at 12:30 pm in reply to: Postpartum Doulas

    Hi Kari!

    This is also an area that is near and dear to my heart:). I offer home visits but do charge extra as I only work three clinic days and the home visits do take up considerable time with the commute. I charge $40 extra.

    I typically offer mother-warming via traditional moxa and a far-infrared heating pad on the mothers abdomen. I often bring my silicone cups and incorporate some cupping on the upper back and shoulders as theses are usually tense if the mother is breastfeeding or had a long labor. I also make a simple ginger and da zao tea while the mom is resting with the needles. I do have a blood pressure cuff and use it most visits in the first 6 weeks just to be sure that there is no risk of postpartum preeclampsia.

    Additionally, I like to provide a list of postpartum resources that include providers like pelvic floor therapists, lactation consultants, postpartum doulas and newborn specific providers like cranial sacral practitioners, chiropractors etc. I find having access to a list of providers is helpful for the new mom so she knows who to call if she feels she needs more support.

    Recently, I connected with a chiropractor who specializes in maternal health and she recommended women use an abdominal brace right after giving birth. The brand she recommended was called Dale-3Panel abdominal brace. It’s affordable and fits most body types. This is something I think a lot of people don’t do right away and it can really help with repairing Diastasis recti.

    I am not a doula but have thought about pursuing a certification so I can be more helpful but it seems becoming an IBCLC would give me the most training in postpartum support for the mother and baby. I also have wanted to dive deep into more research about the postpartum experience because it truly does feel like a time that is underserved (as you said:).

    I would love to share research and resources with the MAMPS group about this valuable topic as I start to dive in more. Thanks for bringing this up!!!

  • Renee Shankar

    June 7, 2022 at 12:12 pm in reply to: 14 week Pregnancy Termination

    Thank you all so much for the thoughtful suggestions and recommendations. I didn’t realize I had turned off my notifications for this forum so I am just now discovering these responses. I truly appreciate everything you all shared.

    I would love to provide more details in order to hear your perspectives on how best to support this patient as she tries to conceive again. Here is a general description of the patient currently:

    LMP: 5/22/22, 6 weeks post D&E. Reason for D&E was the fetus had DX of Down’s syndrome.

    MENSES: Bright red, minimal clots, minimal cramps (day 1), no breast tenderness, bled for 5 days with 3 days of spotting (total of 8 days), moderate flow. Had 1 day of migraine which is her “normal”. Migraine pain starts occipital and moves to temples and behind eyes as the day progresses.

    OVULATION: Using Clear Blue OPK, only has blinking smiling face, never solid, cervical mucus is creamy and not egg white this month

    ABDOMEN: Tension and tenderness above umbilicus (Spleen) and left of umbilicus (Liver), slightly soft and hollow under umbilicus (KID) Patient reports not to feel any abdominal pain or discomfort in general

    PULSE: (L ) Scattered cun, thin & deep Guan, thin Chi (R) Slight slippery Guan, overall stronger than left side

    TONGUE: Pale pink, puffy, wet, horizontal cracks in center, dusky purple in center, minimal Sublingual veins, dip in the back of the tongue

    BM: Goes everyday in the A.M., stool is formed but “raggedy” frayed edges

    EMOTIONS: Feels more balanced overall, still grieving and having a hard time not taking on the grief of the patients she sees as well. Feels “heavy” with the stories of her patients. Patients partner is an elementary school administrator and the recent shootings have caused a high level of anxiety and grief for them both.

    OBSERVATIONS: Spider veins distal to head of fibula on left leg and along ST channel of right thigh , this is new for the patient. Eyes have good “shen” patient appears in good spirits but does present as low energy despite being able to exercise a lot and maintain a full time Acupuncture practice.

    TTC: In a same sex partnership and patient has undergone IUI this month.

    DX: Mix of excess and deficiency, overall it seems there is Spleen Qi Xu with blood xu leading to blood stasis

    Thank you all again for any and all insights! I would love feedback about my diagnosis and some formulas to consider for this patient.

  • Renee Shankar

    February 8, 2022 at 9:35 am in reply to: Welcome to the Group!

    Hello Everyone!

    I am thrilled to be a part of this mentorship. What an honor it is to learn from the Laura and the collective experience:).

    I started practicing January of 2020 and had my daughter in June of 2020. I am currently an Independent Contractor at Blossom Clinic, a fertility centric integrative clinic, in Portland, Oregon. I absolutely love working with reproductive medicine and am excited to bolster my knowledge so that I can better serve my fertility patients.

    I had some personal challenges around fertility and would love to help others feel less confused and frustrated and instead support them to feel empowered and hopeful through the process. Looking forward to this journey alongside you all:)

  • Renee Shankar

    July 12, 2021 at 7:18 am in reply to: Mother Warming and Postpartum Recommendations?

    Hi Claudia,

    I would be happy to compile everything in a google doc with a table of contents:). I’ll have time to work on this in the next couple of weeks, great idea!

  • Renee Shankar

    July 5, 2021 at 12:06 pm in reply to: Mother Warming and Postpartum Recommendations?

    Thank you all for sharing! This is a collection of really helpful tips and resources, I can’t wait to add these tools to the postpartum toolbox:)

    I recently visited a mama who did not have an appetite 6 days postpartum and was only drinking coffee in the morning instead of eating. She was breastfeeding and was not experiencing increased hunger or thirst so I suggested at least drinking bone broth with miso and ginger which she seemed open to. Miso is indicated for poor appetite and enters the spleen, stomach and kidney channels.

    That’s all I have to share for now, thanks so much again for all of the replies, this has been so wonderful!


  • Renee Shankar

    June 30, 2022 at 7:40 pm in reply to: 14 week Pregnancy Termination

    Thank you Christine!

    I really appreciate your perspective and recommendations on this case. Your analysis of her contradictory patterns seems spot on and reinforces my diagnosis as well. It can be so confusing in the treatment room and the process of writing a case and then receiving feedback from another colleague is priceless! Thank you again!!

  • Renee Shankar

    July 5, 2021 at 9:35 pm in reply to: Mother Warming and Postpartum Recommendations?

    Thank you Tansy! This is so helpful, I really appreciate you sharing and I’m curious about the belly wrapping!