Forum Replies Created

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  • Sharon Bacigalupi

    June 12, 2024 at 7:22 am in reply to: 24 Hours Reminder for the Expert Talk with Laura

    Hi. Can you remind me the topic of this expert talk? Thanks so much!

  • Sharon Bacigalupi

    May 29, 2024 at 9:50 am in reply to: Expert talk Schedule for June 12

    Hi Lorianne. Thank you.

    Is this instead of the alumni hours? Or perhaps I wrote down the date incorrectly for alum office hours? Do you know who will be the expert speaker? Thanks so much!

  • Sharon Bacigalupi

    May 14, 2024 at 6:03 pm in reply to: Lupron Suppression protocol

    I would be interested in this discussion as well – I have a patient who is doing depot lupron for 2 months to address suspected endo and after 2 failed FETs (untested embryos). She has 2 more untested remaining and planning to transfer one or both in July once they determine if the suppression was effective. How would one determine effectiveness?

  • Sharon Bacigalupi

    October 4, 2023 at 4:57 am in reply to: Alumni Office Hours: Wednesday, October 4th @ 9 AM PT


    I’m going to do my best to attend today’s office hours – or at least a part of the session due to a scheduling conflict. Should I be unable to attend I will certainly tune in for the recording. I found going over the EV’s (symptoms, trajectories, points and case examples) to be very helpful and I’m hoping we can go through all of them before the end of this mentorship. I felt like it really helped to solidify information to apply it in clinic.

    Another question..Can you share whether or not you’ve seen a decline in mock embryo transfers being done in clinics? I have found that RE’s have not been doing them at all recently and when I had a patient ask her RE, she was told that they just haven’t found much benefit in doing the procedure anymore – especially if they have done IUI/IVF before (this patient has had 1 spontaneous live birth 8 yrs ago and since has had unsuccessful IVF outcomes. After 4 failed cycles, she finally has 1 normal embryo for an upcoming transfer.). Would love to hear your thoughts on this – are mock transfers a thing of the past? Or is it a just that it takes more time and delays procedures (for-profit clinic issue). Would you suggest treatment for potential endometritis or anything else to try to support this one chance she has?

    Thanks SO much!

  • Sharon Bacigalupi

    June 12, 2023 at 10:29 am in reply to: CHANGE OF TIME TODAY!! PLEASE NOTE

    @LauraErlich @lornebrown

    Can you confirm the date as well…is it today or tomorrow (Wednesday). Can you share the specialization of of Dr Landay?

  • Sharon Bacigalupi

    May 31, 2023 at 8:36 am in reply to: Test for Alumni forum

    Got it.

  • Sharon Bacigalupi

    April 18, 2023 at 6:55 am in reply to: Alumni Mentorship Information and Registration

    Hi Lorianne. Thank you so much for this info! I will certainly be signing up as I love the office hours and expert office hours to stay connected to new info and also for the practitioner community and support.

    In terms of the $75/mo, is that ongoing? Indefinitely? Or will you need to sign up again at the start of each new mentorship?

    Thanks in advance for your help!

  • Sharon Bacigalupi

    March 28, 2023 at 10:19 am in reply to: Alumni Continuing?

    I’m planning on joining the alum group again…and again! I love the peer/community support group!

  • Sharon Bacigalupi

    March 21, 2023 at 12:41 pm in reply to: Guest expert tomorrow!

    Awesome! I’ll have to pop in and out as I just scheduled a couple of patients during that time. I’ll tune in for as much as I can.

    Laura…is there still another alumni office hours?

  • Sharon Bacigalupi

    February 28, 2023 at 6:07 pm in reply to: Follow up to Lorne’s Business Expert Talk

    Yes! I would enjoy a discussion about this as well…from both Lorne and Laura as you have both been working to expand your reach beyond only treating patients. It would be beyond valuable to hear your thoughts, successes, opportunities, management, etc. For me, as I work on my own own (I do have 1 associate), I am interested to see how to best expand while working independently without support staff.

  • Sharon Bacigalupi

    February 28, 2023 at 6:04 pm in reply to: Rapid Fire Case Reviews?


    Hi Laura. I wanted to ask if we could do this again for our alumni office hours. I found it to be so helpful to have you fire through cases/examples that you were familiar with to help us apply the skills we have been learning. Thanks so much and looking forward to our office hours tomorrow.

  • Sharon Bacigalupi

    May 15, 2024 at 7:54 am in reply to: Ugh…Burn Out…

    Hi Michael. Thank you so much for your thoughtful and supportive reply. This community is fantastic. I appreciate you sharing that you have felt the same way at times – I know it’s normal to feel…but it is beyond helpful to hear. Self care is key for sure…and I’m certainly working on that. And a vacation sounds amazing…and not just one to visit family (which is what we have coming up! 🤪)

    I also would like to explore other ways to expand/grow/modify as a practitioner – whether that be new offerings, different approaches, revisiting ways to treat and diagnosis, ways to find balance and feel growth…

  • Sharon Bacigalupi

    May 7, 2024 at 10:52 am in reply to: Alumni Update?

    Hi Nikki. Thank you for your reply! I likely won’t be able to join the talk tomorrow but look forward to the replay.

  • Sharon Bacigalupi

    June 12, 2023 at 10:50 am in reply to: CHANGE OF TIME TODAY!! PLEASE NOTE

    @LauraErlich @loriannes

    Is it at 2:30 or 3:30 PST? I think 2 different times were listed as well. I’m hoping to try to make it! Will it be 60min?

  • Sharon Bacigalupi

    March 28, 2023 at 10:16 am in reply to: Alumni Continuing?


    Hi Lorne. Will there be an email with info on signing up for the alumni membership? The aluminum office hours are what I will want to make certain I can attend, but the dates/times are not listed for those. Are those available so that we can try to block out our schedule with plenty of notice? Thanks so much!

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