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  • Babbie Stern

    January 25, 2023 at 1:19 pm in reply to: Some Follow-up Notes to Our Last Session

    Dear Benjamin and Lorie, I am taking a moment here to express my gratitude for both of you and for the incredible space you held for us for the beginning of our alchemical journeys. It’s been a wild ride, and I appreciate the guidance, presence and love that you offered so gracefully. Thank you for doing the good, hard work, and thank you for teaching us how to do the same.

    With Incredible Agapé for you both,


  • Babbie Stern

    January 25, 2023 at 1:14 pm in reply to: Some Follow-up Notes to Our Last Session

    <font face=”verdana,arial,helvetica”></font><font face=”verdana,arial,helvetica”>

    <font size=”4″>”You have been telling the people that this is the Eleventh Hour, now you must go back and tell the people that this is the Hour. And there are things to be considered . . .</font>

    <font size=”4″>Where are you living?
    What are you doing?
    What are your relationships?
    Are you in right relation?
    Where is your water?
    Know your garden.
    It is time to speak your Truth.
    Create your community.
    Be good to each other.
    And do not look outside yourself for the leader.”</font>

    <font size=”4″>Then he clasped his hands together, smiled, and said, “This could be a good time!”</font>

    <font size=”4″> “There is a river flowing now very fast. It is so great and swift that there are those who will be afraid. They will try to hold on to the shore. They will feel they are torn apart and will suffer greatly. </font>

    <font size=”4″> “Know the river has its destination. The elders say we must let go of the shore, push off into the middle of the river, keep our eyes open, and our heads above water. And I say, see who is in there with you and celebrate. At this time in history, we are to take nothing personally, Least of all ourselves. For the moment that we do, our spiritual growth and journey comes to a halt. </font>

    <font size=”4″> “The time for the lone wolf is over. Gather yourselves! Banish the word struggle from you attitude and your vocabulary. All that we do now must be done in a sacred manner and in celebration. </font>

    <font size=”4″> “We are the ones we’ve been waiting for.”</font>

    <font size=”4″>– attributed to an unnamed Hopi elder</font>

    <font size=”4″>Hopi Nation</font>


    <font face=”verdana,arial,helvetica”><font size=”4″>Oraibi, Arizona</font></font>

  • Babbie Stern

    December 2, 2022 at 2:09 pm in reply to: Reconciliation with Que Yin. Step 1: seeking to understand

    Thank you both, Lorie and Benjamin, for creating a beautiful and safe container for this deep healing work.

    I am grateful for the tools you offer, the healing needles of compassion and tenderness that you provide, and for gracefully demonstrating alchemy. It is beautiful to behold.


  • Babbie Stern

    November 23, 2022 at 6:27 am in reply to: Follow up to Metal and the Po: Practicing Radical Tenderness

    Dear Lorie,

    Thank you for your post here. It wraps up the day beautifully and I am grateful for your reminders to walk with care, go slowly and bring compassion. I had to leave class early to catch a flight and just finished watching the videos. I am thankful for you bringing in the concept of ritual to this work, and immensely grateful for you teaching us how to gracefully navigate the relationship with these Gui tricksters. It feels like powerful, important and highly transformational work. Thank you again.

  • Babbie Stern

    October 20, 2022 at 4:28 pm in reply to: Resilience

    Beautiful, Kari. And thank you for the reminder about Resilience, particularly this month.

    Kelli, that’s a wonderful metaphor about neighbors holding hands to support each other. That has a really nice feel to it.

  • Babbie Stern

    October 13, 2022 at 8:10 am in reply to: Frankincense

    Thank you so much, Lorie. Nature is doing the same thing here in Utah, though we’ve had little rain and not much wind, so the trees are still glorious in their colors. I am finding myself slightly resisting the end of the Fire/ Earth season; trying to grasp on to the sunshine, the Light, and the beautiful Autumn. So, thank you for the cue to begin the transition into Metal. Frankincense feels like a powerful ally and I love the invitation for us to go into the sacredness of our wounds. Thank you again for your guidance.


  • Babbie Stern

    September 30, 2022 at 6:26 am in reply to: Lorie's Follow-up Notes to the Group Work with Liz Roseman

    Thank you, Lorie and Benjamin, for posting this here and for walking us through the questions on the intake form. It’s helpful to see it laid out like this and with these considerations. I love the question “what is the water asking for?”. I love the idea of an invitation through a doorway to engage with frightening archetypal energies and be a friend to the pain. I wonder if that is most often the case for all of us?

    Kellie, it feels like you were able to tune in to some beautiful insights. Spleen as an Earth element makes sense. Liz, did you and your ex-husband talk about having children? I am curious if Kellie’s intuition is feeling the uterus because of a desire to have children, or energetically as you are birthing a new idea of these workshops and this is an invitation keep tending the (gentle) fire burning there.

    From a shamanic and Buddhist perspective, physical objects carry and hold energies. That couch where Liz and her ex sat as he told her of his infidelity may be serving as too big of an anchor to allow Liz to move through the pain? I loved Benjamin’s suggestion of removing the objects in the house that belonged to both Liz and her ex-husband, which would provide an opportunity for Liz to make the house her very own; even if the plan is to sell soon.

    Liz, I want to thank you again for being willing to share so openly and vulnerably with the group. Please know that I am thinking of you and sending love and compassion, strength and grace. I can feel your beautiful and incredible Shen, even through the zoom box.

    All my very best,


  • Babbie Stern

    October 20, 2022 at 4:48 pm in reply to: Lorie's Follow-up Notes to the Group Work with Liz Roseman

    Benjamin, I love what you said here.

    It is deep, real work and feels like there are always many layers to it.

    I especially love this: “At the same time, we are often offered opportunities to revisit past hurts through interactions in the present that present similar dynamics. These opportunities allow us to find new and more empowered ways of responding that honor and uphold our boundaries. I have found that this very act of finding the agency to respond in a new way can be a piece of the forgiveness process.”

    The “new and more empowered ways of responding that honor and uphold our boundaries” is a powerful vibrational space to move into. Thank you for putting it so eloquently.

  • Babbie Stern

    October 13, 2022 at 8:01 am in reply to: Lorie's Follow-up Notes to the Group Work with Liz Roseman

    Thank you, Lorie.

  • Babbie Stern

    October 13, 2022 at 8:00 am in reply to: Lorie's Follow-up Notes to the Group Work with Liz Roseman


    I’m sorry to hear that Nate didn’t honor or respect your desire not to have children. It feels like you’re doing some good healing work/ reconciliation around it, and I love hearing that you have some women in your life who sound like they’re in touch with feminine healing through full moon and yoni ceremonies. That sounds like a powerful a-ha about those spirits being Nate’s kids and not yours.

    Sending good thoughts to you and for your journey, Babbie

  • Babbie Stern

    October 13, 2022 at 7:08 am in reply to: Lorie's Follow-up Notes to the Group Work with Liz Roseman

    Good morning, Benjamin. Thank you for your reference to Justin Boldoni. I’m excited to see that some amazing resources are emerging for us all to heal the unhealthy masculine that has been so prevalent in our culture for centuries. I’m glad that Grandmother invited you into deep forgiveness. I feel like our egos (Loyal Soldiers in Bill Plotkin’s term) hang on to pain of being hurt in a loving attempt to prevent us from letting it happen again. When the ego (Loyal Soldier) feels safe enough to trust and let go, a space opens to allow us to forgive and the act of forgiving itself creates an immense healing and subsequent ripple effect. When we forgive our perpetrators, it’s not saying that what they did is okay, but that it doesn’t serve us or anyone to hold on to the anger/pain/sadness. When we energetically release those emotions, it feels like it frees up the perpetrator to heal as well. Does that make sense? I’m thinking of the books Sacred Contracts by Carolyn Myss, Gary Zhukov’s Spiritual Partnership and The Great Human Potential by Wendy Kennedy.

    It sounds like you’re doing deep and powerful work!

    With gratitude and respect, Babbie

  • Babbie Stern

    October 7, 2022 at 7:04 am in reply to: Lorie's Follow-up Notes to the Group Work with Liz Roseman

    Dear Benjamin,

    I hope you had an amazing and powerful time with Grandmother. Three pours a day for three days is a deep, deep dive! I hope the Medicine was able to hold you lovingly through your transformation. I love the concept of a life suit, and I find myself smiling when I read that this part of your life suit is comfortable and flattering. I agree!

    I am grateful to the indigenous people who discovered these sacred plant medicines and are sharing them with the world for us to lift the veils and wake up to who we truly are and (re)discover our highest potential.

    I just got out of 5 days in the Dark Canyon Wilderness for a remembering of my own. We witnessed a very powerful flash flood and the message from the Canyon was that we are able to harness this same power and natural force to transform.I just got out of 5 days in the Dark Canyon Wilderness for a remembering of my own. We witnessed a very powerful flash flood and the message from the Canyon was that we are able to harness this same power and natural force to transform.

    The “invitation through a doorway” was an eloquent quote from your beautiful wife in the messages above. What incredible work we are all doing, and I admire the courage that both you and Lorie demonstrate by walking boldly through these doors, look straight into the eyes of this pain and love it deeply.

    With abundant gratitude to you and wishes for a gentle reintegration,


  • Babbie Stern

    September 30, 2022 at 6:28 am in reply to: How to best work with kids and teach them?

    I’m excited to see where this call leads you, Kelli! Please keep me posted. ✨

  • Babbie Stern

    September 13, 2022 at 8:29 am in reply to: hero’s journey

    Dear Lorie and Benjamin,

    Thank you for your replies. Lorie, I love what you say about the outcome of our metamorphosis being uncertain (as it always is with the alchemical process, right?) and Benjamin, the add-on of the stark reality of some of us not making it or coming out deformed. That’s the surrender to the divine; the kenosis, right?

    I believe, with my whole spirit, that it is up to us now to imagine exactly what it is we want. More specifically, which vibrational state we want to regularly hold and then co-create with the Divine in letting the form manifest through that frequency. Instead of letting someone or something else tell us how we should be feeling because of what might be happening in the world, to clearly set our intentions and hold that vibration. To use the inner-felt sense, reverse the handle, PAUSE, transmute (for ourselves and the collective) and be the change.

    Lorie, your words about the Yi ring so true here:

    “But at a certain point, sooner or later in life, the entropy of matter takes a toll on the Yi. It’s potency is weakened by the effort of pushing up against the resistance of the environment…If, however we…reflect inwardly on the true desires of our hearts, a new kind of energy infuses the Yi….We surrender our personal intention to the greater wisdom of the Tao”. The Tao is already inherently balanced. We could try to force our wills here to change the world, the way we did in our 20’s, or lean back into the wisdom, stay heart-centered and intentional about our vibrational frequency and trust that that alone helps the collective. Combine that with A New Possibility platform and watch out, World! 😉

    With abundant gratitude to you both,


  • Babbie Stern

    September 10, 2022 at 7:10 am in reply to: hero’s journey

    Thank you, Benjamin. I hope your practice has been more graceful than mine. 😉

    And thank you for the written reminder to BREATHE. Breath is one of the best, most reliable and most efficient ways for me to change state.

    I love that concept of Kenosis! A new word for me. An emptying of self into the will of the Divine. I am going to go farm and practice kenosis all day.

    Here is a photo of the almost full moon (followed by Venus?) setting over our pond this morning…

    With abundant gratitude, Babbie

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