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  • Lauren Potts

    July 29, 2022 at 8:30 am in reply to: Lauren's Prima Materia

    I had to return to this thread for this post because through the winding and spiralic journey of alchemy I have found myself right in the heart of the awareness I set out to discover. In the past week or so I have experienced an opening that is almost precisely an articulation of how I phrased my PM 6 months ago.

    “I am leaning into the power of my Divine knowing…I am learning to trust and embody who I really am.” I am learning now what it actually means to “offer up for transformation the false belief that my ways of knowing do not matter, make things more complicated and open me to attack…” It’s not how I expected it to be, of course.

    It’s hard to put into words, but like Dorothy returning from Oz I am seeing the “characters” at play in this journey – Stargazer Lily, Jupiter and Venus archetypes, Isis, the Divine Mother, dream images like the Scareb – and saying “you were there! You were there too!” I’m in awe. I’m not being particularly specific, I know! But the vibes are… Trust. Openness. Receptivity. Intuitive downloads. Peace with what is…with who I am…a release from striving, fear and control and surrender to the current flowing through me. An invitation to greater intimacy – with myself, others, Spirit. And creativity! I’m getting creative downloads and previews of what may be to come through me in the realm of ritual, teaching, and healing transmissions.

    Does it stay with me always? No. No it does not, sadly. But, with the support of Stargazer Lily, distilled by my own hand, the magic of some potent dreams, and insights from astrology I am getting some major “clicks” that feel like access points. They are places I can return to in my body and my consciousness that help me remember. I’m excited to see where this next phase takes me and summoning my courage to declare specific intentions around manifesting some of this magic in the actual world beyond my inner landscape.

    And here I leave you with some of these images from which I am drawing inspiration – my friend, Stargazer, this very bloom’s magic running through me as I write, and this image of The Scareb from a dream I had which my husband created from wood and gold dust to celebrate my birthday πŸ™‚

  • Lauren Potts

    July 29, 2022 at 7:53 am in reply to: Shock/Trauma Treatment

    Thanks Benjamin! I did suggest Rescue Remedy for the whole family. I also suggested using Vetiver at KI 1 to re-establish safety and rootedness, as well as time spent with their feet and/or seats directly in contact with the Earth. And yes, as you are, I am continually in awe of the healing that is possible with so much of the magic we practice!

  • Lauren Potts

    June 4, 2022 at 12:18 pm in reply to: Rebecca’s PM

    Rebecca, as I am lucky to get you in daily life I am happy to share in this forum, as I have in person, that I see the way you danced with these challenges in the past month as incredibly courageous and a direct result of your intention to use your voice more powerfully. It was basically a call and response from your soul to the universe in a gorgeous little set of opportunities. I get that there is contraction now. It reminds me of what my favorite Tarot teacher, Lindsay Mack, says: she says the brain does not care at all about expansion and evolution. It’s whole gig is to keep us safe, keep us in the boundaries of what we know and the behaviors that pose no risk. So when we are in the midst of expansion you can basically count on the brain to come in and start being an a-hole, telling us how badly we did the thing and we’d better stay with what we know and not do that courageous thing again. In other words, this contraction is basically proof of the expansion you’re experiencing. And the possible response: thank you brain for trying to keep me safe, but no thank you, my heart has got the wheel right now. πŸ™‚ Here to support you with this all, always, in all ways. Your steps may feel clumsy but they’re filled with power and potential and will no doubt get more practiced in time. Love you, friend πŸ’žπŸ’žπŸ’ž

  • Lauren Potts

    January 18, 2023 at 5:46 am in reply to: Alchemical Healing Professional Certification


  • Lauren Potts

    January 17, 2023 at 8:22 am in reply to: Alchemical Healing Professional Certification

    Good question Kari, I was wondering the same.

  • Lauren Potts

    December 17, 2022 at 2:37 pm in reply to: Tarot

    Ooh, yay, I’ll look for that one on Biblio too!

  • Lauren Potts

    December 17, 2022 at 1:33 pm in reply to: Tarot

    Ten months or so later, a return to this thread with a fantastic book offering! This author is also an astrologer with a fantastic astrology book called β€œAspects and Personality,” so she brings that to this topic as well as Jungian psychology and I Ching study. I’m not far into this book yet but it has loads of promise and I’m excited about it! It is based on the Smith-Rider-Waite deck, which is the foundation of my Tarot practice (as opposed to Thoth).

  • Lauren Potts

    August 25, 2022 at 2:28 pm in reply to: On Yi, Devotion, Inner Fire and Mean-spirited Roadhouses

    Hey Kari,

    There’s only one post that I see on my end. I’ll text you the link though πŸ™‚


  • Lauren Potts

    August 2, 2022 at 2:05 pm in reply to: Lauren's Prima Materia

    Hey Benjamin! Thanks for bringing up that Uranus opposition. That was not on my radar but when I looked into it I came across something that said sometimes people find themselves returning to themes, ideas and inspirations that had them lit up in their early 20s. That in particular is absolutely happening for me right now. It has been for a while, but some very specific things are re-visiting me and coming back to life after a period of hibernation through these last 20 years or so.

    That and so many other things in my world of transits right now. You’re right that it’s no wonder I’m having some big shifts happen. But while I’m deeeeep down the rabbit hole in my astrological studies right now (ok, we can call it obsession sometimes), I’m also not putting much focus on the specifics of what is transiting for me at this time. I’m feeling it all for sure, but avoiding getting in my head about these things within myself and trying to just keep an open line of communication with the Divine and be present to what is turning up in me. That said, I am absolutely getting more and more familiar with my own natal chart and that is proving to be incredibly rewarding and helping to guide me in how to make the most of what I’m experiencing this year. Not just now when things feel more expansive (for the moment), but also helping to make sense of a lot of the contraction of the past 6 months, which has been significant, as you know. I appreciate your guidance and inspiration in being a part of my opening into the wisdom and influence of astrology in this way!

    Here’s an image of the scareb, framed, in my treatment room. I love it 😍

  • Lauren Potts

    July 29, 2022 at 8:02 am in reply to: Kari’s Prima Materia

    Kari! Such magic! I love it and my heart is full reading about your experience. I hear you more and more fully embodying yourself as healer – knowing the Truth of who you are and having it reflected back to you in acknowledgment from others (human and more than human). Beautiful. Thank you for sharing!

  • Lauren Potts

    June 7, 2022 at 9:54 am in reply to: Rebecca’s PM

    So glad you are feeling supported and witnessed in moving through this stuff, Rebecca. And I echo Benjamin’s marveling at you’re being courageous enough to share, just as I also can relate to your own sentiments of sometimes holding back for fear of “airing drama or complaining.” But I agree with Benjamin that it does not come off like that at all – not even a little. Your share is evidence of how the magic and mystery of alchemy can play out in the circumstances life presents and I’m glad you took the time to come here with it and include us. πŸ™πŸ’–πŸ™

  • Lauren Potts

    June 4, 2022 at 12:30 pm in reply to: Prima Materia in Action

    Hey Rebecca,

    I missed the post you shared when I saw this yesterday. Taking it in now and loving it. Some of the language here around enchantment echoes how Tarot has been speaking to me in the past few days through the 10 and Page of Cups. Happy to receive more encouragement around this from you and feeling the shift being offered for me right now πŸ™‚

  • Lauren Potts

    June 2, 2022 at 1:45 pm in reply to: Prima Materia in Action

    Love it! I do see it the same way. It just blows my mind…probably because it’s meant to be mystifying and awe-inspiring. I’ve thought of these things often when supporting patients trying to conceive or supporting birthing mamas as a doula – that the child destined for them, if there is one, will be conceived and then birthed in Divine timing. There’s far more to conception than egg meets sperm, and more to a birth time than lungs developing and triggering labor. It makes every step along the journey more meaningful for all involved to hold it this way.

    Thanks for sharing Steven’s blog. He is delightful πŸ™‚ I’ve been reading some in the Book of Water and really enjoying it.

  • Lauren Potts

    June 2, 2022 at 1:01 pm in reply to: Prima Materia in Action

    Thank you Lorie. I feel the truth of all you shared here. I know the central importance of that “but” – that the practices and tools to re-gain perspective and re-center are essential, and I experience them as all the more valuable after I have let them slide.

    I think you’re right, too, that loving and open-hearted community is another support, possibly the greatest, to have in our alchemical tool kits. It’s an edge for me to reach for it in this way. To show up raw, vulnerable and unfiltered. Not pleasing or nurturing others or sharing insight, but rather sharing my pain and disorientation. It’s both frustrating to do it online and feels safer as well because I can use the written word rather than my voice. But I think its a step in the direction of more open-heartedness and, I hope, more heart-centered connection.

    I’m reminded as I do some of the Fire reading in Kigo and 5 Spirits how central the coming and going of my spark of shen is to the dance I described above. Leaving myself, losing my way – my most painful moments – are when my Fire has sputtered out. I am lovingly and consciously tending that energy in myself this week and reaching for things that spark joy and connection. It’s still not always landing. But sometimes it is πŸ™‚

  • Lauren Potts

    June 2, 2022 at 12:32 pm in reply to: Prima Materia in Action

    This is brilliant and resonates deeply, Lorie. Thank you.

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