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  • Lauren Potts

    April 24, 2022 at 1:27 pm in reply to: Our Heart’s Song

    Christine, what a testament to the sacredness of a soul’s work with the Yi to frame it as the spirit that lives on in the earthly realm – what the deceased succeeded in making manifest, and that it lives in the hearts of their beloveds. Gorgeous.

  • Lauren Potts

    April 13, 2022 at 9:32 am in reply to: Joining the Inner Healing Circle at A New Possibility

    Thanks for this opportunity, Benjamin and Lorie! Looking forward to checking some events out over there with you all 🙂

  • Lauren Potts

    April 5, 2022 at 5:21 am in reply to: Dreamwork

    Hey Sarah,

    Interesting to me that I read your dream a bit before bed the other night and then also had a packing dream. In mine I was supposed to be hosting a birthday party for my daughter at a roller skating rink but at party time I was super unprepared. I sent her ahead with the moms of other classmates and said I would be right there in a few minutes. Then I kept thinking of things I had forgotten and packing more and more – lots of “just in case” items. The whole time worrying that time was ticking and we only had the rink for 2 hours. In the end I didn’t arrive until the very end of the party only to find that my daughter wasn’t feeling well and another mom was stressed having to be with her.

    Different scenarios for our dreams, for sure, but the packing bit under pressure does feel like a pretty clear message about feeling stressed about preparation for something. A journey and opportunity in your case – hosting and leading something in mine. I’m reflecting on places that I delay moving forward with the idea that I need to gather “just one more thing.” I wonder if there are places for you that you feel stressed about missing an opportunity and like you’re not sure you have what you need? Maybe a fit, maybe not – let me know.

  • Lauren Potts

    March 15, 2022 at 7:03 am in reply to: The Prime Material

    Hey Daniel,

    I’m just popping in to say thank you for your post, your share, your vulnerability and your integrity in showing up true to your process, and for honoring us all with that truth. I’m going to take some time to digest what you’ve written and I’m looking forward to connecting about it and how it is living and moving in you. But for now – I see you and appreciate you. Sending love your way


  • Lauren Potts

    March 13, 2022 at 2:16 pm in reply to: Inner Sensing and Archetype in the treatment room

    Thank you both, Lorie and Benjamin, for your feedback. I hope she returns. I know there’s much I could offer to support her as she continues this journey. If she does I will offer the flower essence you mentioned as a possibility as well, Benjamin. Thank you both for your support and encouragement!

  • Lauren Potts

    April 13, 2022 at 12:57 pm in reply to: Inner Sensing and Archetype in the treatment room

    Absolutely, her willingness to be open about her process is big medicine for the world. She also said the rage room was incredibly cathartic. She said the throat feeling goes away for many days at a time and only visits when she’s holding back tears now. She just learned that her sister-in-law, whom she is close with, became pregnant in the days right around her daughter’s death. It’s a hard one for her to be with that and she has noticed her throat tightness return intensely around that topic. But she pays attention, makes sure to write, sing or to cry when it feels appropriate. And she’s relieved that it’s no longer a constant strangling energy but one she can work with as an emotional guide.

  • Lauren Potts

    April 13, 2022 at 10:03 am in reply to: Inner Sensing and Archetype in the treatment room

    Cara, thank you for your kind words. I’m entirely in awe of this patient and grateful to be able to support her. Truly honored just to witness the grace and grief of her process.

  • Lauren Potts

    April 13, 2022 at 10:00 am in reply to: Inner Sensing and Archetype in the treatment room

    Hey Vicki, just a follow up note to say I did share your altar story with my patient when she returned. She shared that she has already done this and she lovingly tends the altar and spends time with it each day, bringing flowers and sweet little things like kids jewelry that make her think of her daughter. She also said as a family (she has a 2 year old) they have taken to including her child that died in their nighttime routine, reading a book for the baby and tucking in a particular stuffy to help her son be present with both the baby’s spirit, and with the loss. Heart aching, but also sweet and comforting, as you described of your own process. Thank you so much for sharing your experience.

    I think this mama I’m treating is doing well, all things considered, and I’m truly in awe of her courage and voice in this process. She’s recently returned to work – she’s a high school teacher – and she sent an email ahead of her to colleagues and students explaining what happened and inviting them to talk to her about it if they want to and to feel free not to if it made them uncomfortable, but know they do not need to tiptoe around her. That she was pregnant and no one needs to pretend it never happened. She’s walking this as gracefully as I can imagine one doing and being so true to her feelings through it all.

  • Lauren Potts

    March 22, 2022 at 7:26 am in reply to: The Prime Material

    Ahhh, yup, I get it. We’re talking capital “F” Freedom – transcendental style. And of course you are 🙂 I should have known. I’m glad I inquired though. I was holding this in a more worldly, smaller mind and I see that you’re oriented to and experiencing something different here. This is the big work.

    This bit – “when I do not talk, I can be a much better observer and I can channel that energy of sharing into other areas that I can use for other perception” – really helps me get what you’re feeling. I’m happy to hear this is a peaceful process and choice for you, not contractive as I had imagined (even if it takes patience and practice). This conversation is also a good reminder for me. I’m so intrigued by psychology and people’s stories and emotions, and have lately been so involved in my own, that I have to remind myself that it can be a limiting perspective. I think self-inquiry is super important but it mainly serves to the extent that it allows us to identify, transform and release what is not ours and get closer to authentic nature. Which, at it’s heart, I believe, is the Freedom you seek as well.

    Wishing you well on this journey and looking forward to hearing more from you this weekend.

  • Lauren Potts

    March 19, 2022 at 1:27 pm in reply to: Cari’s Prima Materia

    Hey Cari,

    I just wanted to say hi. I don’t think we’ve communicated in this space, but I have read your intro and Prima Materia and, as a mother of an 8 year old boy (soon to be 9) myself, I just wanted to connect. My son, Ollie, has ADHD as well and there is a constant undercurrent of anxious energy emanating from him. His social behavior is not a big issue at this time but we had some really rough times in 2020/2021 while I was homeschooling him and his little sis (Joni – she’s 6 now). It got pretty ugly for a while there and every day I was craving some way to escape and not even recognizing myself in my responses to him on bad days. As a peace loving mama who supports folks every day in soothing their anxieties it has been incredibly difficult to feel helpless and triggered by those energies constantly present in my child.

    I know there are a bazillion resources out there in the parenting world that I’m sure you’re aware of. So this is just a note of solidarity. I love the way you phrased your Prima Materia – the reference to an unpredictable weather pattern. The point ST 25 – Heavenly Pivot comes to mind. How can you find yourself centered on that Heavenly axis in yourself and pivot to meet the hurricane force that is Wolfie at times when he blows through, rather than get swept away in the storm? That’s the eye of the storm, right there. Sending all the supportive vibes your way and echoing your knowledge that you have the strength to be what he needs of you. I’m also just appreciating how you’re centering your family relationship in this space. Thank you for your shares.

  • Lauren Potts

    March 19, 2022 at 10:21 am in reply to: Ellen’s Prima Materia

    Ellen, thank you for this window into what is stirring in you. I feel like much of this could be a page out of my own journal. I love the morning pages practices as well and your sharing of this piece of your work is a gift that helps me to know you more. Thank you 🙏💖🙏

  • Lauren Potts

    March 19, 2022 at 6:38 am in reply to: Inner Sensing and Archetype in the treatment room


  • Lauren Potts

    March 19, 2022 at 6:36 am in reply to: Lauren's Prima Materia

    Super glad to be unfolding alongside you as well, Kristine, and grateful for your reflections and connections. 💖

  • Lauren Potts

    March 19, 2022 at 6:23 am in reply to: The Prime Material

    Hey Daniel,

    I’m circling back with some more space available to ponder with you and what you’ve written. Again, a big thank you for your share and for being willing to invite us into your process even despite some hesitation. I recognize that you have an abundance of courage to face into yourself in the pursuit of self-development. It’s a whole other layer of courage to invite others to share in what your mirror is reflecting while you’re in mid-process. This has been a theme for me and I wonder if you can relate. I’m pretty dedicated and self-reliant when it comes to figuring out my stuff but I used to only share once I had it all figured out and tied up neatly in a bow, the messy bits tucked in and resolved. Very Metal/Virgo of me. I’ve been working on letting myself show up mid-process and messy sometimes and allowing support to filter into those places. It changes the outcome, for me, and allows relationships to deepen. I think that one’s willingness to be vulnerable and expose their work as it’s in development might crack open new possibilities.

    The thing that strikes me most about your writing is the connection between this place of self-examination and the desire for freedom. I want to acknowledge what sounds, to me, like a painful and contractive process in checking yourself in all the places you communicate. It’s painful and isolating to feel misunderstood, and that sucks. I wonder how much that energy of self-checking feels like self-censorship and crystalizes the desire for freedom?

    I do think it’s an important pursuit to check in with how your words land, and that knowing that you mean well is great but doesn’t always transmit. We can’t take full responsibility for how we are received by others, but making an effort to calibrate our communication to the listener feels like a step in the direction of receptivity (both for the listener and the communicator). Kudos for being willing to take that on. Making the connection between that process and where you ultimately landed around the theme of freedom, I’m struck by the dynamic between personal freedom and freedom that is more inclusive, far reaching and, as you say, inspires the same in others. That more wide and far reaching freedom may be one that tempers personal expressions of freedom sometimes for the good of the whole. I’m actually thinking of capitalism here vs. …I don’t know exactly…something better 😉. But on a microcosmic scale. Does any of this land for you? Just some thoughts that your words inspired and I’m curious if they have a place in your process – maybe, maybe not 🙂 Let me know.

    Much love to you 🙏💖🙏

  • Lauren Potts

    March 13, 2022 at 2:17 pm in reply to: Coriander

    Agreed. I thought this would be the case but just wanted to make sure. I love coriander seed and use it quite often.

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